
Cooperation: what if the real innovation was there?

The crisis has shown the limits of a model where everyone thinks for themselves. Identifying a common enemy is certainly the most effective way to instil a group spirit, but it is not without danger.

Source, Agefi, 13 April 2018 –

When there is a loser in a given situation, instability inevitably follows: the loser will redouble his efforts to try to reverse the situation, or he will simply try to get even. In either case, the energy expended by both parties can quickly become destructive.

Distinguishing oneself from one’s competitors also requires more and more effort in a context of permanent cost reduction. This leads to a paradox: competition is supposed to foster innovation, but in some cases it leads to widespread mimicry.

A vicious circle can therefore be expected to emerge: competition leads to imitation, which in turn reinforces competition, with everyone fighting for the same positions.

Developing common visions

Let us not forget that the giants (GAFAM) have entered this race for innovation and that their resources are out of all proportion to those of smaller companies. The question that arises from this is: how can a company consolidate its position in an increasingly competitive world, including in sectors with high added value?

Speaker: Thierry Blanc,  Director of Governance DFI